Thursday, April 29, 2010


GoPHER DUNES is hosting 'Round 1' of the CMRC Provincial/ANQ Motocross Races on Sunday, May 2, 2010 EXCELLENT SPECTATOR EVENT!!!

Moto News Blast from the Dunes....April 29, 2010
Well....the weather has certainly been rather bizarre as we've experienced one of the warmest, driest and sunniest starts to a spring season, yet the rain showers still seem to find us in time for the weekend, along with some good gusts of chilling winds.....bbbuuuuurrrrrrrrr!!!
Gopher Dunes hosted their 16th. Annual Spring 4x4 MudFest this past Sunday.  We're not quite sure what it is, but there ain't nothin' gonna keep them mud-boggin' folk away....not rain....not wind....not nothin'.... Must be sum-tin' bout the kinda people that are 'tracted to this sorta event, but they're lined up even 'fore we open the over 470 trucks rolled in one after another to register for this ever-popular event with a combined total of some 2500 enthusiasts! 
And although the spotty rain may have dampened some of the paperwork, it sure didn't dampen the spirits of the enthusiastic crowds as they watched a multitude of various 4x4 trucks, jeeps and home-built contraptions taking their turns to manoeuvre their way through the man-made and Mother Nature-induced mud pits, including the snake pit and sink-hole, attempt the rock-climbing formations and navigate their buggies through the maze and the longest-yard while attempting to complete the trail section before getting bogged down!  A true test between 'man and his machine!'  For those wanting to get a quite glimpse of what really went on, you can check it out here: 
So, for those of you ready to return for a repeat or are anxious to experience it a first time, then mark on your calendar: Sunday, June 27 when we will be featuring our Summer 4x4 MudFest & Outdoor Leisure Show.  For vendors interested in setting up a display, please contact us today....  
Now moving right along....
We will soon be announcing the winners of the 'Ricky Carmichael Ride Day' contest sponsored by West49, FOX & Suzuki once the winners are contacted and the names have been released...
This amazing day to meet RC, the greatest of all time, will take place at Gopher Dunes on Monday, July 19th. 
And this Saturday, May 1st. will be our draw date for the 3 winners of the Gopher Dunes Members Only Contest.....there's still 2 days left to purchase your membership for your chance to win!?! 
A reminder to our 65cc pee-wee riders....we have a full-day training session coming up for you on Saturday, May 8th.  Don't miss out on this chance to brush up on your riding & racing skills....a full day of instructional and hands-on training for only $150.  Don't miss out....sign up now!  Training School Registration Forms can be accessed and downloaded from:  
The track and trails are now closed to prep for this Sunday's CMRC Prov./ANQ Motocross Race....we reopen for general practice riding on Tuesday, May 4th. at 11am. 
More racing details and schedule order outlined below....

        GoPHER DUNES is hosting 'Round 1' of the CMRC Provincial/ANQ Motocross Races on
Sunday, May 2, 2010
                                                         Food available at the WISECO Pavilion...
Gates open Saturday from 4pm to 11pm.  Gates open Sunday at 6am.
NOTE:  Gates will be locked after 11pm on Saturday! 
(for untimely delays, we recommend you park alongside Con. 2 just south of the entrance)
    GATE FEE:   $10 per adult
                                $7 under 12
                                Free under 5
          Camping:   $10 per vehicle
  ENTRY FEE:  $30 for one class
                                $25 for 2nd class                                                                                                           
                                $25 for pee-wee class
                                $20 for 2nd p-w class                                                                                                       
         SIGN-IN:  Saturday from 7pm to 9pm                                                                                         
                                Sunday from 6:30am to 8:30am
Riders Meeting at  8:05am
Practice begins at 8:15am
Racing from 9:30am to 5:30pm
IMPORTANT  Racers must show their 2010 CMRC licence at time of registration.
If you recently purchased your licence and have not yet received it in the mail, you
must contact to confirm that you are registered and get
your assigned racing # & also record your membership #.  VERY IMPORTANT to have
this information if you want to race on Sunday!! 
Licences will still be sold on Sunday, but it will be a time-consuming ordeal & #'s will
not be assigned!  We suggest that you arrive at 6:30am (or Saturday evening) if you still
need to purchase your '10 licence. 

All registered racers must have their assigned CMRC # on their jersey/chest protector
as well as on the front and both sides of their bike/atv and with proper colours.
Incorrect #'s or missing #'s may cause the rider to be scored improperly or disqualified
completely!!  For rules, please visit
MINORS (up to 17 years of age):  Will have to complete the 2010 Parental Consent & Minor
Waiver Release Forms with copies available at sign-in.  This means you will need at least one
parent to accompany you at time of registration.    If you have already completed this form
at a previous 2010 CMRC event, you will need to show your 'blue card' for authorization. 

What you need for registration so you are not sent to the back of the line...
  • 2010 licence card or you must at least know your membership # & racing #   
  • completed Entry Form & must be signed on back (by parent, if a Minor)
  • cash in hand
  • up to age 17, both signed Minor Waiver Release & Parental Consent Forms
  • or 'blue card' for authorization of completion
  • up to age 17, a parent must accompany you to sign the participation waiver
  • racers will receive a wristband prior to exiting the registration trailer
CMRC Prov./ANQ Schedule for Sunday, May 2, 2010:

Big Track Practice


Small Track Practice

50cc (4-6)
50cc (7-8)

BIG TRACK Race -- Moto 1

+50 / Ladies
MX1 Beginner
MX1 Junior
MX1 Intermediate
MX1 Pro
85cc 7-11
MX2 Beginner Q1
MX2 Beginner Q2
MX2 Junior Q1
MX2 Junior Q2
MX2 Intermediate
MX2 Pro
+40 / +25
85cc 12-16
MX3 Beginner
MX3 Junior Q1
MX3 Junior Q2
MX3 Intermediate
Vet Master/Vet Junior
Supermini Q1
Supermini Q2
MX2 Junior LCQ
MX2 Beginner LCQ
Supermini LCQ
MX3 Junior LCQ

PW Track Race - Moto 1

50cc (4-6)
50cc (7-8)
65ccA Q1
65ccA Q2

Big Track Race - Moto 2

+50 / Ladies
MX1 Beginner
MX1 Junior
MX1 Intermediate
MX1 Pro
85cc 7-11
MX2 Beginner Final
MX2 Junior Final
MX2 Intermediate
MX2 Pro
+40 / +25
85cc 12-16
MX3 Beginner
MX3 Junior Final
MX3 Intermediate
Vet Master/Vet Junior
Supermini Final

PW Track Race - Moto 2

65ccA LCQ
50cc (4-6)
50cc (7-8)
65ccA Final
Any Schedule changes will be posted by the Head Ref. on the Pavilion whiteboard.  
It's your responsibility to stay tuned for possible changes....  
NO REFUNDS after Registration!
For more information visit:  or
                                Email:  or
Or call Frank & Barb Schuster:  519-842-2781 or  Brett Lee:  519-522-2299
MOTOCROSS  RACING  at  its'  Best on Canada's Toughest National Track ! ! ! !
Quote for the day:  "A tragic irony of life is that we so often achieve success or financial independance after the chief reason
for which we sought it has passed away."

Posted via email from chris_lee's posterous

Saskatchewan Motocross First Race of the Season May 2nd - New Online Pre-Registration - new SMA website goes live

Saskatchewan Motosport Association Inc

 With the gates dropping in just a few days on May 2, 2010 I am
pleased to announce a few changes for the 2010 Season.

 Moto Registry – New Online Pre-Registration and Waiver <>

 The new SMA website can be found at

 You will have the opportunity to Pre-Register yourself or your
family for the new 2010 Saskatchewan Motocross Season with the
exception of Intermediate or Professional Ranked Riders. All you need
to do it create a user account for the rider on Moto Registry and have
a credit card available to purchase your class.

Intermediate and Professional Ranked Riders must enter at the track,
as the Moto Registry for those classes has yet to be implemented.
Please stay tuned for more details.

 Entry Fees for 2010 have changed slightly!

For Pre-Registration in 2010 the prices will remain the same as they
were last year at the track.

First Class: $25.00

Secondary Classes: $20.00

For Track Registration in 2010 the prices have been increased

First Class: $25.00

Secondary Classes: $25.00

The NEW Saskatchewan Motocross website is now LIVE!

If you have not yet seen, it is still a work in progress, however
this is where all your news and information updates for the
Saskatchewan Motocross Series will be and information on the
Saskatchewan Motosport Association.

Please feel free to check out the new site and get to know some of
our 2010 elected executive that work so hard to make sure the
Saskatchewan Region keeps going strong! List of Region rules that have
been written that will supersede the CMRC rulebook in this province
only, and much more!

See you when the gate drops!

 Daryl Murphy


Saskatchewan Motosport Association Inc.

Posted via email from chris_lee's posterous

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Canadian kids get failing fitness grade 'We have a crisis in our country'

Cycling to run errands promotes physical activity, but a new report suggests only 12 per cent of Canadian young people get the 90 minutes recommended for daily activity.Cycling to run errands promotes physical activity, but a new report suggests only 12 per cent of Canadian young people get the 90 minutes recommended for daily activity. (John Lovretta/The Hawk Eye/Associated Press)

Most Canadian young people are still failing to make the grade when it comes to meeting recommended physical activity guidelines, and fewer than half of children under five are integrating physical activity into their daily routines, says a report released Tuesday.

In its sixth annual report card, Active Healthy Kids Canada assigned an "F" for physical activity levels for the fourth consecutive year.

The report card suggests only 12 per cent of Canadian children and youth are getting the 90 minutes recommended for daily physical activity. Meanwhile, young people are continuing to devote considerable time to video games, computers and TV, accumulating six hours of screen time on weekdays and more than seven hours on weekend days, the report says.

The report also expressed concern that children aren't spending enough time being active in their early years. This is based in part on the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, which suggests 36 per cent of two- to three-year-olds and 44 per cent of four- to five-year-olds regularly engage in unorganized sport and physical activity each week.

While there is variation in international guidelines, the report said the consensus is that kids one to five years old should participate in at least two hours of daily physical activity. Despite recommendations that children under two should have zero screen time, more than 90 per cent begin watching television before that age, the report said.

Increasingly sedentary behaviours are replacing what would have been active playtime for young children in the past, leading and contributing to the increase in kids being overweight and obese which is associated with other psychosocial and health problems, said Mark Tremblay, chief scientific officer of Active Healthy Kids Canada.

Younger children especially a concern

"This is very disturbing because it sets kids on a trajectory that the evidence shows it's not one that we would desire," he said from Ottawa. "So young children that are overweight or obese or sedentary or inactive tend to follow those behaviour patterns later on in childhood and into adulthood, certainly much more so than kids that don't demonstrate those behaviour patterns early on."

National data indicate that 15.2 per cent of two- to five-year-olds are overweight, and 6.3 per cent are obese.

Tremblay said he believes the reason there is still such a high percentage of children failing to meet recommended activity levels is because not enough is being done in society to effect change. Substantial social shifts causing individuals to move less and sit more are also a factor, he said.

"There's just enormous social movements towards auto dependency and electronic dependency and … so on that just overwhelms the effort that we're giving to try and preserve healthy active living behaviours and preserve what many people are being convinced are inconveniences."

Beyond the physical benefits, there's evidence showing that social, emotional and mental health is preserved through play and healthy living activity, Tremblay said.

"Virtually all of the indicators are improved with outdoor time and more active playtime, and they're virtually all diminished with excessive screen time."

'We have a crisis in our country'

In addition to limiting screen time, parents need to take a leadership role in promoting activity, said Kelly Murumets, president and CEO of ParticipAction, citing examples like walking kids to school, cycling to the store or parking in the furthest possible spot in the parking lot.

"In families where there are regular healthy habits, those kids end up being more likely to have those healthy habits throughout childhood and adulthood," said Murumets, who said ParticipAction's fall campaign will be focused on children and youth.

Murumets said it will take a joint effort by the public, private and non-profit sectors to combat the problem of childhood inactivity.

"Unless all three sectors first of all acknowledge that we have a crisis in our country and acknowledge that this requires immediate action urgently now and then that we can take that action together… I think that the crisis will perpetuate. This report card this year needs to be an alarm bell for all of us right across the country to say we have a crisis and we need to get active."

Active Healthy Kids Canada calls the report card the most comprehensive annual assessment of all available information related to physical activity of children and youth in the country. The report card draws on hundreds of data sets and studies that were reviewed to assign the grades.

© The Canadian Press, 2010
The Canadian Press


As adults we have a responsibility to lead by example!

Posted via web from chris_lee's posterous

Friday, April 23, 2010

Workshop - 4 steps to growing healthy food - Huron Ridge Acres - Vegetable Gardening Workshops THURS APR 29 7-8:30PM

Huron Ridge Acres Inc.
Your Invitation. April 2010
Vegetable Gardening Workshops
Just want to send a quick reminder about the Workshop we are presenting next week.  THURSDAY, APRIL 29TH FROM 7:00 - 8:30 P.M.
Location: at the greenhouse store
 Come & learn the 4 Easy steps to growing your own food.  Food Safety has become a concern in recent times.  One way to be sure of what you are eating, is to grow your own.  
We have limited spaces, so please call 519-565-2122 or email to reserve your spot.
 Registration is a donation of a non-perishable food item to our local food bank.
If you live in the Lucknow area, join us
Sat. April 24th - 1 p.m. at Lucknow District Co-op
Quick Links
We're hearing that the Spring gardening bug has caught up with a lot of people. We look forward to greeting old friends and are excited at the prospect of making some new ones too.  Looking forward to seeing you during the next few months.
Carol Steckle
Huron Ridge Acres Inc.
74101 Bronson Line                                                             Regular Business Hours:
Zurich, ON N0M 2T0                                                                      Mon - Sat.  9 - 5 
519-565-2122                                                   Extended Hours during the month of May
Our Website                                                    Mon  - Fri.   9 - 8;    Sat. 9 - 5;   Sun.  1 - 5

Huron Ridge Acres Inc. | 74101 Bronson Line | Zurich | ON | N0M 2T0 | Canada

Posted via email from chris_lee's posterous

Kaven Benoît on a KTM for the 2010 season! The MX2 Monster Energy Pro Nationals gets even more interesting.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Due to popular demand, late nights and just plain old audacity is now LIVE!! Canada's source for off-road motorcycle news and info

 I'd like to thank a few key industry people for their support and encouragement with the launch of this new website: 
-The entire crew at World Enduro Canada 
-Laura Lang and Parts Canada 
-Andy White and Patrick Beaule at KTM Canada 
-Chris Lee of Walton TransCan 
-Scott Rocher of Ross Rocher Husqvarna 
-Allan Lachapelle of Lachapelle Racing Products 
-Brad Coles at Label It! 
-Derry Matthews at Furious Styles 
Along with them I need to thank my awesome group of test riders, contributors, track owners, land owners, friends, misfits and hangers-on for sticking with me and sharing in my dream to bring off-road journalism in Canada out of the dark ages! You guys rule!  
My family support has been beyond awesome! I couldn't have done it without you!  
Rob Paladichuck deserves huge credit for not only spending the last four or five years constantly busting my chops until I finally agreed to start but for pulling out the stops to do all the computer stuff that makes it work.  
I hope you all enjoy and become fans as the site continues to grow and evolve. Contact us if you would like to advertise or be otherwise involved with 
Dan Paris  
Dan Paris 

Posted via email from motocrosscanada's posterous

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fresh food not French fries! Sign the petition to make school lunches better.

I have joined the Food Revolution and you should too! We need your help to change the way Canada eats. Every child in Canada has the right to fresh, nutritious school meals, and every family deserves real, honest, wholesome food. Sign the petition to save Canada’s cooking skills and improve school food. Thanks and please pass this message on.

Posted via email from chris_lee's posterous

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A fashion show with a special twist - 50 years of walking down the aisle in style - Saturday April 24th 1:30pm - Duff's United Church in Walton

50 years of walking down the aisle in style will recall special occasions in our lives and our community as local brides from 1960 to 2010 have donated their dresses for the day to be modeled at the historic Duff's United church in Walton. A unique community celebration you won't want to miss!

On Saturday April 24th 1:30pm  there will be 50 years of wedding fashion represented  and modeled by future and former brides, young and a little older....slim and some with a little more curves ... plus older dresses on display

More than just a fashion show, this program will be a trip through time. You may recognize some tunes and events from each era,  (maybe 
even what was played at your own wedding) and  friends in photos from over the years.

The afternoon will include a musical comedy skit, singers and a delicious old fashioned lunch served by Walton's finest cooks.

Save $5 with advance tickets, available for $20 at Anna's Dress Shoppe or TD Bank (Teresa or Jackie) in Seaforth

Tickets at the door are still just $25, in either case all proceeds go to Duff's United Church.

For information contact:

Judy Lee 519-887-6735
Patty Banks 519-887-6156
Heidi McClure 519-887- 9348

Directions on Google maps to Duff's United, plus a complete photographic tour of Walton!  Check out our event on Facebook and see who all is invited

Posted via email from chris_lee's posterous

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Royal Distributing Thor KTM Canada has a contender! Hungarian Kornel Nemeth has signed to race MX1 for Canadian MX pro nationals!

The Livery Spring Fling Film Fest - This Weekend! Catch 5 great Films and enjoy the sights and sounds of the lovely Downtown Goderich!

This Weekend Only!
The Livery's
Spring Fling Film Fest!


Friday, April 9th
7pm - A Single Man
9pm - The Last Station

Saturday, April 10th
12:30pm - Cooking With Stella
With a viewing of The Log Driver's Waltz
3pm - Me and Orson Welles
7pm - Invictus

9pm - Wrap Party! Hosted a J's Bistro!

For more information and a glimpse of what is to come visit;

Tickets will be available at the door on Friday evening.
The pricing will be;

5 Film Subscription (incld. Wrap Party) $45
3 Film Subscription $27
RUSH $10 available at 1/2 hour prior to each showing

Catch 5 great Films and enjoy the sights and sounds of the lovely Downtown Goderich!
And be sure to check out the Cine-Licous Food Festival!

Many of our great local food hot-spots have created a tasty weekend of food and fun!
Be sure to check out the menus at;

The Bean
 Wicked Willy's
Paddy O'Neils
The Park House
Thyme on Twenty-One

We hope to see you all there! And happy watching!

Lisa Justine Hood
General Manager
The Livery Theatre
35 South St., Goderich ON
Fax: 519.524.5790

Posted via email from chris_lee's posterous

Gopher Dunes Welcomes everyone to the start of the 2010 CMRC motocross racing season in South Western Ontario

Welcome to the start of the 2010 CMRC racing season.
We hope you had a great off-season and are ready to meet or exceed
your goals for the coming year.
We look forward to providing everyone with the best 'race day'
experience possible.

Here's what's coming up in this week here in the Southwestern Ontario Region:

2010 CMRC Spring Classic !!

April 11 2010
Gopher Dunes
Courtland, Ontario

Canada's toughest track!

Great mini track-We think the best in the country!

Saturday Open: 4:00pm-11:00pm
Sunday Open: 6:00am -5:00pm

Adults $10.00
Seniors/12 and under $7.00
Pre School free

Camping $10.00 per night

Entry fee - $30 first class, $25 second class

Saturday Night Sign-In: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Sunday Sign-In: 7:00am – 8:15am

Riders Meeting: 8:20am

Don't wait to buy your License at the track. Go online and purchase it now at:

GPS  Coordinates for Gopher Dunes:
N42º  48.190'  W080º  36.881'

GoPHER DUNES is located on Hwy. 59, 30 minutes south of Woodstock. It
is located 5 km south of Hwy 3 in Courtland, which is a main highway
connecting Windsor to Fort Erie.

Contact: or call 519-842-2781


Track address:

4385 Hwy 59
RR 1 Courtland ON
Canada N0J 1E0

Gopher Dunes Next CMRC event: May 2 Ontario Provincial/Amateur
National Qualifier.

Spring Classic Classes
50cc 4-6
50cc 7-8
85cc 7-11
85cc 12-16
Mx1 Beginner
Mx2 Beginner
Mx3 Beginner
Mx1 Junior
Mx2 Junior
Mx3 Junior
Mx1 Intermediate
Mx2 Intermediate
Mx3 ProAm
Vet Junior
Vet Master

Gopher Dunes will be offering Schoolboy and 65B class

1) Do I need a CMRC license to race?
Yes. You can register, pick your number, and print off your license online at: click on the banner at the right.

2) Can I get my license at the track in the morning?
Yes you can but we recommend you purchase it before to avoid delays.
Purchasing it in advance makes the entire event run smoother.
3) Do racers have to pay at the gate to get in?
Yes. All tracks have standard gate prices that everyone entering must
pay. You will also be charge an overnight camping fee if you choose to
come the night before and camp.
4) Can I race my 250 2-stroke against 250 4-strokes?
Yes you can compete in the GP classes or age classes (Youth, +25, +30,
+40, +50, Ladies). You cannot race a 250cc two stroke in the Mx2
5) Do I need numbers on my bike?
Yes you must have clear contrasting numbers on all three number
plates. It must be your CMRC assigned race number.
6) Do I need numbers on my back?
Yes. You need to have your CMRC assigned race number on your back in a
contrasting colour.
7) What colour numbers/backgrounds to I need?
You can reference the 2010 Rule book for guidance. However for quick reference:

50cc 4-6 Red on White
50cc 7-8 Black on White
65cc Red on White
80cc 7-11 Red on White
80cc 12-16 Black on White
Beginner/Junior Red on White
Intermediate Black on Yellow
MX1 Pro Black on White
MX2 Pro White on Black
Ladies White on Blue

8) Can I fill up my water tank at the track?
At some tracks you can. You should call each track in advance, or
check the respective track website to verify.

9) If I've never raced before, what class should I sign up in?
You will generally start in your age group for younger riders on
minis, or the beginner class for riders on bigger bikes.

10) Is this weekend at Gopher Dunes an Amateur National Qualifier?
No. For complete Walton GNC info or info on the ANQ's go to
11) Are there hook-ups for my RV?
The majority of the tracks do not offer any type of RV hook up. If
they do it will be listed on their website, and you may be charged
extra for such a service. Gopher Dunes does not have any hook ups.
12) Can I dump my grey and black water at the track?
No. All promoters ask that you take your waste with you and empty it
at a suitable station.
13) Is there pit riding?
Yes..but in a slow, first gear controlled speed. If you are caught
doing anything else you maybe suspended for the day. There is NO
testing your bike in the pits ANYTIME. At Gopher Dunes there is NO

14) Will you bring my Ontario Provincial Prizes from 2009 to any races?
Yes. We will be bringing all unclaimed prizes, trophies and coats to
the first provincial round at Gopher Dunes May 2. 2010.

For answers to other FAQ's, please click the following link:

Posted via email from motocrosscanada's posterous

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Spring has sprung and along with it comes a much anticipated racing season for the Corner Grass Racing Team (CGRT).

The ice racing spikes have been replaced with rubber knobbies and CGRT in excited to
start the season with the opening round of the CMA Alberta Harescramble series this coming April
10/11th weekend in Lethbridge, Alberta.


Posted via email from motocrosscanada's posterous