Monday, July 06, 2009

Anne and Tristan Eekhoff lecture series July 14th at 7:30 entitled "Identity and Intent" at the Goderich Co-op Gallery

Has a painting in a gallery ever left you scratching your head in bewilderment?  Has a piece of sculpture left you baffled?  You might have even murmured the phrase, “I could have done that!”  
That fact is you didn’t, the artist did.    Art can be easy to copy, but difficult to create.   Paint by numbers sets years ago, filled many a rainy afternoon at the cottage, but the creating had already been done for us.   Even today we could reproduce a Van Gogh or a Monet in time, and with instruction, but could we create like them?  The missing ingredient could be intent.

 The Goderich Co-op Gallery Lecture Series is proud to present on July 14th at 7:30 pm two well known Canadian artists who will pursue a variety of such questions for discussions.   Anne Hamilton and Tristan Eekhoff present their talk “Identity and Intent”.   Both artists have graced many galleries not only in the Canada, but U.K. as well and are recognized winners of art awards all over Southwestern Ontario.

 Paint Ontario, Hensell By Design, Huron County Museum, Bainton Gallery, in Blyth have all hosted this very talented, award winning couple.  Between the 22 years in art education, backgrounds in Art history and Cultural Anthropology, this pair is more than equipped to provide an informative evening of lively discussion.

Anne and Tristan will begin with 7 short excerpts of contrasting Western music followed by 12 pairs of contrasting images, painting, sculpture and architecture.

When asked to participate in the Gallery’s Lecture Series they jumped in with both feet and here’s what came to mind for their topic:

.   “  Why don’t we speak on the idea of individual expression and motivation an artist might have in producing what is termed “art”? ”  Let’s encourage those in attendance to voice their opinions on the work they’ll be seeing.   We’ll ask them such probing questions as   “Do you think that the intent of the artist is an important factor to consider when appraising a work of art?”  

Could the age old question of   “But is It Art?’’ be thrown into the mix this night?   We can only hope so!  Don’t be shy, strap on your thinking cap and join this very colourful pair for their
“Identity and Intent” talk July 14th, at 7:30 at the Goderich Co-op Gallery, 54 Courthouse Square.  Admission is by donation.  For more details about the Co-op Gallery visit the website or call  519- 440- 0523.  Gallery hours are 10 until 4 Monday through Saturday where a working artist is on-site.

Goderich Co-op Gallery
As part of the continuing Lecture Series

Identity and Intent
A lively discussion with
Artists Anne Hamilton and Tristan Eekhoff

Tuesday, July 14th
at the Goderich Co-op Gallery
54 Courthouse Square
7:30 pm
Admission by donation


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