Friday, July 10, 2009

Drought gripping a large part of Alberta and west-central Saskatchewan

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Note from the editors

Note from editor Allison Finnamore and associate editor Rae Groeneveld

Your comments, questions and story ideas are always welcome. You can contact us at

1. Drought takes hold

by Rae Groeneveld

The drought gripping a large part of Alberta and west-central Saskatchewan doesn't appear to be easing. The latest drought watch maps from Agriculture and Agri-food Canada's National Agroclimate Information Service shows just how little precipitation the area has received since the start of the growing season. more »

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2. Hay yields drop

by Allison Finnamore

An official with the Western Beef Development Centre is advising Saskatchewan beef cow-calf producers from Regina to Kindersley to start planning alternative winter feed sources. more »

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3. Priority for drought loss payments

by D. Larraine Andrews

Changes to Alberta's crop insurance program should expedite drought loss payments to growers hit hard by severe drought conditions. more »

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4. Long-term plan set out

by Allison Finnamore

Canada's hog sector has set out a five year plan to help the industry survive the current economic challenges. more »

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5. Soybean acreage record set in Ontario

by Owen Roberts

What's being described as a perfect storm for increased soybean acreage has resulted in a new record for oilseed in Ontario. more »

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6. Fruit and vegetable production declines

by Allison Finnamore

Statistics Canada reports Canadian agriculture producers planted 528,000 acres of fruits and vegetables in the spring of 2009, down three per cent from last year. more »

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7. USDA report adds pressure to prices

by D. Larraine Andrews

The latest United States Department of Agriculture seeded acreage report could mean pressure on Alberta prices, says a market analyst with the province. more »

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8. Ranching task force group starts work

by David Schmidt

The British Columbia government has created a new ranching task force to "set a new direction for the B.C. cattle industry." more »

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9. Winter wheat variety suited for ethanol

by Rae Groeneveld

It was the first variety registered in the Western Canadian General Purpose class of wheat in 2007 and it's now being promoted to growers as a high return crop well-suited for ethanol use. more »

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10. Market Focus – Mustard market quick notes

by Mike Jubinville of Pro Farmer Canada

In the latest Statistics Canada 2009 acreage report, the agency pegged mustard area in Saskatchewan at 420,000 acres. more »

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Posted via email from chris_lee's posterous

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