Tuesday, June 23, 2009

BCOT Practice tomorrow.

Hi Guys. Sorry for the late email, but I spent all day at the track helping Laurence and Joe rake rocks and water the track. Laurence runs a bit of a union show there because we got started about 8:30 and stopped for coffee at exactly 10:30 and then for lunch at exactly 12:30 and then afternoon coffee at exactly 3:30 quitting at 5:00. His only concession to a hi production operation came when he had lunch brought it so we wouldn't waste time going to get it. I think it was  really so Joan would pay for his lunch, but I couldn't swear to that.
The track is in really good shape and we drowned all the loose dirt, so it should be good tomorrow. Sean did an excellent job of smoothing the rough stuff and building inside and outside berms in the corners. There are 3 berms in the corner before the finish line whoops. The weather looks good for tomorrow with a passing shower forecast and maximum .5 mm of rain. Everything should be positive, as long as I don't forget the ice for the beer.
See you tomorrow.

Posted via email from motocrosscanada's posterous

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